Learning Platforms:
⧩ freecodecamp.org
⧩ codecademy.com
⧩ javascript30.com
⧩ frontendmentor.io
⧩ testautomationu.applitools.com
⧩ coursera.org
⧩ khanacademy.org
⧩ sololearn.com
Free Hosting:
⧩ netlify.com
⧩ firebase.google.com
⧩ aws.amazon.com
⧩ heroku.com
⧩ pages.github.com
⧩ vercel.com
⧩ surge.sh
⧩ render.com
⧩ docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages
Coding Challenge Platforms:
⧩ codewars.com
⧩ topcoder.com
⧩ codingame.com
⧩ hackerrank.com
⧩ projecteuler.net
⧩ coderbyte.com
⧩ codechef.com
⧩ exercism.io
⧩ leetcode.com
⧩ spoj.com
Freelancing platforms:
📌 toptal.com
📌 upwork.com
📌 freelancer.com
📌 peopleperhour.com
📌 simplyhired.com
📌 envato.com
📌 guru.com
📌 fiverr.com
📌 hireable.com
📌 6nomads.com
List of websites to find remote jobs:
📌 flexjobs.com
📌 remote.co/remote-jobs
📌 justremote.co
📌 weworkremotely.com
📌 remoteok.io
📌 jobspresso.co
📌 europeremotely.com
📌 wfh.io
📷 unsplash.com
📷 pixabay.com
📷 pexels.com
⧩ undraw.co/illustrations
⧩ drawkit.io
⧩ icons8.com/ouch
⧩ iradesign.io
⧩ interfacer.xyz
⧩ blush.design
⧩ fontawesome.com
⧩ flaticon.com
⧩ icons8.com
⧩ material.io/resources/icons
⧩ iconmonstr.com
✍️ fonts.google.com
✍️ fontspace.com
✍️ 1001fonts.com
✍️ fontsquirrel.com
Youtube Channels:
🔗 Traversy Media
🔗 FreeCodeCamp
🔗 The Net Ninja
🔗 Google Chrome Developers
🔗 The New Boston
🔗 Derek Banas
🔗 Academind
🔗 Syntax
🔗 Fullstack radio
🔗 The Changelog
🔗 The Laracasts Snippet
🔗 Front End Happy Hour
🔗 JavaScript Jabber Archives
🔗 Commit Your Code!
🔗 Shop Talk
🔗 Ladybug Podcast
🔗 CodePen Radio
🔗 JAMStack Radio
🔗 Modern Web
Code Editors:
🚀 Visual Studio Code [VS Code]
🚀 Sublime Text
🚀 Atom
🚀 Brackets
🚀 Vim
Color Palettes:
🎨 coolors.co
🎨 colorhunt.co
🎨 paletton.com
🎨 color-hex.com
🎨 mycolor.space
UI Inspiration:
⧩ landingexam.com
⧩ uimovement.com
⧩ uigarage.net
⧩ collectui.com
⧩ httpster.net
🔥 developer.mozilla.org
🔥 w3schools.com
🔥 w3docs.com
🔥 devdocs.io
🔥 free-for.dev
Animation Libraries:
⧩ Animista
⧩ CSShake
⧩ Animate.css
⧩ AnimeJS
⧩ GreenSock (GSAP)
⧩ Magic Animations
⧩ Hover css
⧩ AniJS
⧩ Wicked CSS
⧩ Tuesday
⧩ Mo.js
⧩ Bounce.js
⧩ Snap.svg
Charts / Data Visualization:
📊 Chart.js
📊 D3.js
📊 three.js
Chrome Extensions:
🔖 Web Developer
🔖 CSSViewer
🔖 Wappalyzer
🔖 JSONView
🔖 Lorem Ipsum Generator
Website Optimization Tools:
⚡ Google PageSpeed Insights
⚡ GTmetrix
⚡ WebPageTest
⚡ Yslow
CSS Generators:
Website | Description |
Glassmorphism Generator | Use Glassmorphism Generator to create a stunning effect for your projects. |
Button Generator | An online gallery of 100+ button designs you can easily copy and use in your projects. |
Layoutit Grid | Quickly design web layouts, and get HTML and CSS code. Learn CSS Grid visually and build web layouts with our interactive CSS Grid Generator. |
CSS Gradient Editor | You may only need this tool for creating CSS gradients and patterns. |
Hola SVG Loaders Generator | SVG Loaders Generator with Sass and SMIL options |
Shape Divider | A free tool to make it easier for designers and developers to export a beautiful SVG shape divider for their latest project. |
BEAUBUS Patterns | 150+ free SVG patterns and CSS background images generator |
9elements - Fancy Border Radius | 9elements is a little tool, that helps you create your very own organic shape. When you use four/eight values specifying border-radius in CSS, you can create organic looking shapes. |
Blobmaker | Blobmaker is a free generative design tool made with by z creative labs, to help you quickly create random, unique, and organic-looking SVG shapes. |
Toptal CSS3 Generator | A free online tool for quickly generating CSS3 snippets, such as for effects, gradients and animations. |
Neumorphism | A free online tool for designing attractive UI with colors, gradients and shadows.. |
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This article is a repost from my blog. Find the original post here: Free Web Development Resources.
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Blog: markodenic.com
Twitter: @denicmarko
Github: github.com/MarkoDenic
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